Select your personal investment strategy

Invest with us and you can choose from a range of strategy profiles as well as having a traditional savings account.

You can select a range of strategy profiles based on your personal risk profile in addition to a traditional savings account:

  • Mixed strategy profile

  • Benchmark-oriented strategy profile

  • Targeted strategy profile

Our foundations offer you numerous BVV2-conform mixed strategy profiles for investment foundations and investment funds depending on your personal risk capacity and risk appetite. You benefit from institutional rates for all your investment solutions. This brings tangible cost advantages, thus adding value to your assets.

Free choice of investment strategy

The choice of your personal investment strategy is yours and yours alone. We offer you an extensive selection of investment solutions. Make the most of what is on offer. Invest part of your pension assets in a mortgage to finance your own home.

Free choice of banking partner

Investing money is a trust-based business. That's why you can choose a partner whom you trust.

PensExpert mortgage

Make the most of what is on offer. Invest part of your pension assets in a mortgage to finance your own home.

PensFree Vested Benefits Foundation

During a career break, you can park your pension fund assets in a vested benefits account. The beauty of this is that the pension assets and the interest and capital gains are tax-exempt.

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Pens3a Pension Foundation

There are good reasons to start saving for retirement early. For example, if you want to maintain the same standard of living after retirement. Or if you want to save on taxes. Who benefits from the Pens3a Pension Foundation?

Find out more

Roland Sager
Relationship Manager

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Our experts

Fabio Preite
Partner, Member of EB