Private pension for every stage of life.

We help you making the right decisions.

PensExpert Basel mit Blick auf den Baloise Tower

Tax-privileged savings

At PensExpert, we have extensive knowledge of the complex tax regime governing the pension system. Use our experience. Your personal pension provision coach will work with you independently and focus on your individual requirements.

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Take advantage of the tax opportunities

A payment into pillar 3a enables you to make comprehensive provisions for your retirement age. It pays off twice - because the state helps you save taxes. Thanks to clever planning, PensExpert pension solutions enable you to reduce your annual tax burden.

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Free choice of banking partner and investment strategy

Optimal alignment of your pension provision custodian account with your private assets, while benefiting from institutional rates.

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Moving abroad

The withholding tax is nowhere as low as in the canton of Schwyz, where our 3a and vested benefits foundations are based.

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+41 41 226 15 15

Fit 4 Pension

Private pension provision

Attractive vested benefits solutions in the event of unemployment

Practical tipps

Plan emigration properly